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  • Triller $4 bn merger to take on TikTok, Casa Shares introduces stock market for real estate

Triller $4 bn merger to take on TikTok, Casa Shares introduces stock market for real estate

Your weekly Venture Capital recap is here!

Quick News

  • Triller and AGBA are planning a $4 bn merger with the TikTok ban fuelling valuations. Triller has set their valuation at $3.2 bn despite only generating $34 m in revenue. Last time TikTok was banned in a country was in 2020, where Triller saw their user count increase from 1 m to 30 m after the ban. Read Chris Erwin’s LinkedIn post for more.

  • South Korea: As GDP growth starts to stagnate, a $471 bn semiconductor production city is being built south of Seoul with investments from Samsung ($220 bn) and chipmaker SK Hynix ($91 bn) to revitalize the Asian country’s economy. Read more on FT.

State of Venture Capital

2023 vs 2024 worldwide investment amount January - April (running count)

1 Country 1 Investment

Each week we randomly generate 1 country and highlight 1 recent VC deal.

This week’s country is: This week’s country is: Estonia

Population: 1.349 m
GDP: $38.1 bn (2022)
GDP Per Capita: $28,250 (2022)

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