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  • Scale.ai closes a MASSIVE Series F round, Carl closes their Seed round for its dementia-friendly phones

Scale.ai closes a MASSIVE Series F round, Carl closes their Seed round for its dementia-friendly phones

Your weekly Venture Capital recap is here!

State of Venture Capital

2023 vs 2024 total funding amounts worldwide (Seed-Series D+)

1 Country 1 Investment

This week’s country is: New Zealand

Jooules (Seed, May ‘24) - $1m: CO2 transformed into protein

Protein intended to advance humanity's transition to a sustainable, equitable, and resilient food future. The company specializes in creating protein from clean energy and air by harnessing the efficiency of microbes. The company raised $1m of funding from Sprout Agritech. The funds will be used to commercialize its research into using specialised microbes that consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and turn it into a complete protein powder.

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